ABOUT US profimedia
The activities of profimedia are based on the idea of creating interaction, setting people free and making creativity visible and experienceable in many different ways.

WHAT WE DO Media Service
With the Media Service from Profimedia, it’s all about You and Your Production. Whether it’s music, literature, clothes, or any other product, Profimedia provides services where the customer is at the center and where all our knowledge is at the service of your success.
Our services can be provided as a package, or selected individually – customised to your needs. Thereafter, an overview of our services.
Contact us – we look forward to planning a successful future with you.
profimusic is part of the Warner Music and ADA Music family. profimusic uses the other branches of profimedia, such as the restaurant and guest apartment, which are located in the same building, to work with the artists.
With the motto “It’s all about the artist”, profimusic’s work revolves around the artist. profimusic sees itself as a service provider that focuses on the artist. profimusic works and thinks innovatively: artists are offered an all-round service that is individually adapted to their needs and circumstances.
As a music label, profimusic has already celebrated many chart successes, international contracts and gold and platinum awards. The diverse repertoire of profimusic includes artists such as Flava & Stevenson, Whitepumpkin, Moo Malika, Melissa Lischer, Gionathan and Highland Sanctuary. Among others, profimusic is a member of SUISA , IndieSuisse and the IFPI. The web address: www.profimusic.com

The Restaurant Ticino is part of the work of profimedia and wants to be a place where its guests feel at home and where the passion not only for good food and drink, but also for community and art can be felt. Together with the work of profimedia and goiAcasa, the restaurant creates a place where meeting, relaxation, art, culture and culinary experiences come together. The web address: www.ristoranteticino.ch

On the top floor of the Restaurant Ticino and the profimedia offices is the goiAcasa, a private pension run by the Lustenberger family. It is possible to rent single rooms, but also the entire apartment. The spaces are also used for artist work, such as songwriting events, coaching and other creative and consulting activities. The web address: www.gioiacasa.ch
appartamento: booking.com
appartamento: tripadvisor.com
camera 1: airbnb
camera 2: airbnb
camera 3: airbnb

ilovejesus.ch is another branch of profimedia and is specialized in Christian media. In addition to the production of Christian books and music, an online store for Christian books, films, music, accessories and much more is run under the web address www.ilovejesus.ch.